Luxi Solutions Group

Client List includes

  • Higher Education
  • Regional Healthcare
  • Nationwide Retail
  • Nationwide Finance
  • Federal, State and Local Government
  • Public Utilities

Vendor Coordination

Luxi Solutions Group (LSG) consultants understand and have experience in coordinating vendors for a client who has multiple network, hardware and software providers.

LSG will coordinate and take the lead in a vendor meet and maintain the role of liaison between all involved parties until end-to-end testing is accepted by the client.

We understand the frustration business managers experience when unnecessary finger pointing occurs and we are knowledgeable in working through  simple or complex issues until satisfaction is obtained.  Failed attempts to complete an installation or repair can be very time consuming and costly.

LSG offers a Contract for Vendor Coordination for long term complex issues.  This will include a customizable scope of work to include any or all vendors for network, hardware, software, and other service trade companies specified by your company.

Contact LSG for your  free consultation today.

We want to prove to you that we are “The Missing Piece in Your Telecommunications Puzzle”.